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日期:2023-10-25 来源:欣谕仪器网www.gy17.cn





尽可能采用铜焊以防止泄漏,系统的泄漏率检测是以氮气打压方式进行的,如有必要使用低浓度的HFC 制冷剂。在安装前系统内部进行彻底清洗,并在使用前进行干燥处理。

所有制冷循环的配置均保证在各个不同的工艺阶段能够满足冷阱或搁板的冷量供应。这种配置也可以保证当一套系统故障,冻干程序仍然可以以较低的效率继续进行。通过制冷剂冷却器可以确保制冷效果,在一定条件下冷却水温可到32°C。水冷压缩机上的热量控制阀(水量调节阀)安装在制冷剂冷凝器的入口处, 用于优化效率及减少冷却水用量。

压缩机和制冷剂 (4)_副本.jpg

The refrigeration system is designed and assembled to ensure the specified process performance is achieved reliably. The entire refrigeration group is mounted on a frame that is positioned to the rear of the chamber/condenser. The compressors are of screw type (see item 22) of two stage, semi-hermetic compressors, providing low temperature performance and minimising the risk of leakage, especially at low temperature when the suction pressure is below atmospheric pressure.

Each compressor has a discrete circuit employing either R404 or R507HFC refrigerants (R404 used as default). Each compressor circuit is equipped with the necessary control valves, safety valves, filters, moisture indicators, gauges, oil separator, suction accumulator, condenser/liquid receiver, sight glasses, hot gas bypass valve and thermostats to enable the system to operate reliably and deliver the required refrigeration performance. Where appropriate the refrigeration circuits are insulated with polymer foam.

As far as possible brazed connections are employed and fittings such as elbows are minimised to reduce the possibility for leakage. Systems are leak checked using Nitrogen at positive pressure and low concentrations of HFC refrigerants if necessary. The systems are Nitrogen purged during brazing and dehydrated prior to operation.

To ensure the most efficient use of the installed refrigeration capacity all refrigeration circuits are configured to be able to serve either condenser or shelf cooling duties. This configuration also ensures the freeze drying process can continue, albeit at a lower The refrigerant condensers are selected to ensure refrigeration performance can be maintained with a cooling water supply up to 32°C at the specified supply rate.  Thermostatically controlled valves (water regulating valves) on the water cooled refrigerant compressors are provided at the inlet of the refrigerant condensers to optimise efficiency and minimise water usage.


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E-mail:sj_gy17@163.com 主营设备:冷冻水机,低温水浴槽,制冰机,冷冻干燥机,超低温冰箱,层析冷柜,气溶胶喷雾器,程序冷冻装置,染色体分析系统。
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