上海欣谕XY-FD-18T24技术配置单 technical parameters table
□ 主要配置 Main configuration |
冷阱面积 Cold trap area |
0.4 m2 |
捕冰能力 Ice catching ability |
Z大10KG/批次 Max 10kg / batch |
挂瓶数量 Number of bottles hung |
24只(茄型瓶或者广口瓶) |
□ 设备规格 Specification |
冷阱直径 Diameter of cold trap |
300mm |
冷阱深度 Cold trap depth |
500mm |
烧瓶接口 Flask interface |
28/32 |
适配器接口 adapter interface |
20mm |
烧瓶适配器 Flask adapter |
24只 |
□ 基础设施 Basic configuration |
装机功率: installation Power |
2500W ★ 此为装机功率,并非运行功率。耗电<<2500Wh Not actual working power, power consumption<<2200Wh |
设备重量 Equipment weight |
120Kg |
设备尺寸 Equipment size |
750×800×1700mm |
噪声: Noise |
≤ 80dB |
机组电气系统: Electrical system |
接地保护 Ground protection |
□ 冷阱组件 Condenser components |
冷阱形状: Condenser Shape |
圆柱形 ★ 结构紧凑、捕冰能力强、便于化霜、清洗 Vertical type, rectangular Compact structure, better water capture ,easy to clean and defrosting |
◆ |
冷阱材料: Condenser material |
AISI 304 不锈钢 AISI 304 |
◆ |
盘管材料: Coiling pipe material |
紫铜管 |
冷阱表面粗糙度: Coiling pipe roughness |
Ra ≤ 0.6 μm |
冷阱凝冰量: Condenser water capture |
≥ 10Kg |
冷阱降温: Condenser temp. Decreasing |
+20℃降到-40℃/ 30分钟内 +20℃ to -40℃, within 30 minutes |
◆ |
冷阱Z低温度: Condenser Min. temp. |
≤ -100℃ |
冷阱观察窗: Condenser observation window |
有 Available |
冷阱门开启方向 Cold trap door opening direction |
俯视设备顺时针 Looking down the device clockwise |
冷阱门材质 Cold trap door material |
钢化玻璃 Tempered glass 耐腐蚀性能更强 Better corrosion resistance |
工作压力: Working pressure |
常压- -0.1Mpa |
除霜方式: Defrosting |
电化霜 Electric frost |
◆ |
保温材料: thermal insulation material |
聚氨脂发泡 polyurethane foam |
□ 冷冻系统 Refrigeration system |
◆ |
冷冻机: Refrigerator
法G泰康 CAJ-2446 CAJ-2464 France Taikang CAJ-2446 CAJ-2464 |
◆ |
制冷剂: Refrigerant |
R404A |
冷冻机数量: Refrigerator number |
2台 2 sets |
冷阱制冷: Condenser refrigeration |
2台(同时对冷阱制冷,直接式制冷) 2sets (shelf refrigeration at same time, direct refrigeration) |
冷阱J限温度 Cold trap limit temperature |
≤ -100℃ |
冷冻系统保护调节装置: ★ 采用G际知名品牌的产品,精度高、稳定、安全、可靠。 Freezing system protection devices: World famous devices are used to make sure correct, stable, safe and reliable. |
高压压力保护系统: High pressure protection device |
当系统排气压力超过允许压力时,自动切断冷冻机运行,防止意外事故发生。 When system’s air discharge pressure exceeds allowed pressure, machine automatically stops working, to avoid an accident. |
高压控制器 High pressure controller |
DANFOSS(丹麦Denmark) |
□ 真空系统 Vacuum system |
◆ |
双级旋片泵: Double stage rotary vane pump |
谭氏真空(可选配其他品牌) |
数量: quantity |
1 台 1 sets |
◆ |
真空仪表: Vacuum gauge |
睿宝 Reborn |
冻干箱抽空速率: Chamber pumping rate |
大气压→10 Pa ≤ 30分钟(干燥条件下) atmosphere→10 Pa ≤30 minutes(in dry condition) |
系统Z高真空: System Maximum vacuum |
≤ 1Pa |
系统漏率: System leaking rate |
≤ 10.0 Pa·l / sec(优于G家标准5倍) 5 times better than national standard |
□ 控制系统 Control system |
◆ |
控制系统: Control system |
上海欣谕 |
控制柜 Control board |
触摸屏 Touch screen |
中间继电器: Intermediate relay |
正泰 CHINT |
交流接触器: AC contactor |
正泰 CHINT |
空气断路器: Air circuit-breaker |
正泰 CHINT |
接线端子: Wiring terminals: |
知名品牌 Well-known brands |
□ 安全保护 Safety protection |
整机启动保护: Whole machine protection |
设备的全部安全条件具备时,整机才能启动运行。 All safety conditions are ready for whole machine, machine can start running. |
操作保护: Operation protection |
整机电气系统具有逻辑连锁、控制、保护功能。 Electrical system have logic interlock, control and protection function |
电机: motor |
有过载、过热保护等 With overload, overheat, lack of phase ,etc. |
冷冻系统: Refrigeration system |
有声光报警,各部件均有控制器 Audible and visual warnings, all parts have controller |
真空压力: Vacuum pressure |
有声光报警 Audible and visual warnings |
停电、供电: Power cut and supply |
均有安全保护措施 With safety protection measure |
真空泵启动的冷阱保护: Condenser protection when vacuum pump start |
连锁 Interlock |